What makes Cape Tribulation popular?

Cape Tribulation is a spectacular point in tropical far-north Queensland Located around 2.5 hours north of Cairns. The reason why Cape Tribulation is so popular is due to its spectacular location wedged between two World Heritage Listed sites, the spectacular Great Barrier Reef, and the amazing Daintree Rainforest.
Everything about Cape Tribulation is visually stunning
The vibrant colours of the ocean, the reef, the rainforest, and everything in between are what makes Cape Tribulation such a popular destination to visit. It is often said that Cape Tribulation is practically untouched by urban development and is an eco-friendly holiday destination like no other. There are several lookouts around the area which you can hike to in order to get the best views.
Where does the name come from?
The reason behind the name Cape Tribulation is fascinating, to say the least. It was discovered by Captain James Cook in 1770 when sailing to Australia. Captain Cook was unaware that he was sailing on what is now, the largest coral reef structure in the world, until his ship ran into the coral and caused severe damage, with the ship being unsalvageable. He named this area Cape Tribulation, as he believed this is where all the troubles on their journey in Australia began.
Make sure you check out as much of the Daintree Rainforest as you can
Cape Tribulation is located within the oldest rainforest in the entire world, the Daintree. It is over 180 million years old and is unique compared to anywhere else. The area that the rainforest covers is large, therefore there is so much for you to see and do. Full of fascinating nature walks through the canopies, pristine freshwater creeks, secluded tropical beaches, and unbelievable history around every corner.
The ocean waters may be some of the most beautiful you have seen but do not be fooled
The ocean that surrounds Cape Tribulation is crystal clear and on a sunny day, is quite tempting just to have a dip in. However, it is certainly not recommended that you do this. There are several reasons why, although the main issues include the fact that deadly saltwater crocodiles live in the waters and are waiting for a tasty tourist to eat. Secondly, the deadly Irukandji jellyfish also lives in the water off the coast of far-north Queensland, a sting from one of these tiny creatures will leave you in agonising pain for hours.
If you prefer to take a guided tour to visit the area, there are many Daintree Rainforest tours available to book.

Author: Melbourne's Best Tours
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